
EU Energy Days 2016 – Morocco

Joint solutions for a sustainable planet

European Union Energy Day. Joint solutions for a sustainable planet is an event organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, in the framework of COP22. It is a unique opportunity for key clean energy players to gather and share knowledge on how to move quickly towards a sustainable planet, in line with the Paris Agreement.

Throughout the day, Europe will share its achievements and the way forward on clean and smart energy in the 2030 perspective. Alongside experts from all over the world, the event will be a prime opportunity to exchange practices to strengthen cooperation on sustainable, secure and smart energy that is affordable for all.

The event will be opened by Energy ministers and other personalities from different countries, and will also include the launch of a ‘Union for the Mediterranean’ platform for renewable energy and energy efficiency, as well as witness the signature of an agreement between two islands of Pacific and Indian oceans (Fiji island and Réunion island).

Take a look.



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