Greening the chemical industry with electricity
ELOXYCHEM (ELectrochemical OXidation of cYclic and biogenic substrates for high efficiency production of organic CHEMicals) is a 54 months Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Action project started in January 2024 and supporting the replacement of existing chemical conversion processes that are heavily reliant on imported materials and fossil-fuels. ELOXYCHEM will promote a green and digital transition for Europe demonstrating new transformational electrochemical conversion platform processes at pilot scale and drop-in replacement technology for chemical conversion.
Coordinated by SINTEF and with a consortium of 10 partners, ELOXYCHEM combines the expertise from the fields of electrochemistry, process engineering, analytics, industrial chemicals production, process assessment, machine learning, and digital tools.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101138376, call: HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01.
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Leader for dissemination and communication.
European Commission – Horizon Europe
2024 – 2028