
Biofuels in Benin

Biofuels in Benin


A two-phased study to advance the usage of biofuels in Benin. More specifically, (a) a feasibility study on the production of biofuels, and (b) the creation of a National Biofuels Strategy.

The first phase is a technical, financial, economic, institutional, and environmental feasibility study. This includes: an initial overview of worldwide biofuels experience; an in-depth look at the possibility of producing biofuels in Benin for internal use and for export is explored; the technical and economic production potential from already available sources; and the identification of new possible feedstock, based on the existing agricultural, environmental, and social conditions.

Based on the outcome of the first phase, the second phase of the study focuses on the elaboration of a National Biofuels Strategy to develop a supply and production chain for biofuels and an action plan to coordinate public and private activities in this sector.

A consultation process was implemented to involve all relevant national and international stakeholders in the validation of the proposed strategy.

Our Role

Feasibility study.

Elaboration of a promotion strategy.


Republique du Benin – Ministere des Mines de l’Energie et de l’Eau (MMEE)





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