Biofuels in Benin
A two-phased study to advance the usage of biofuels in Benin. More specifically, a feasibility study on the production of biofuels, and the creation of a National Biofuels Strategy.
Masdar Development
The Masdar Initiative aims to create a prototype for a sustainable city where residents and commuters have the highest quality of life with the lowest environmental footprint.
The strategic objective of EMINENT is to strengthen the European industry and policy institutions by establishing and operating a network that assesses results from science and technology research for the purpose of enhancing and accelerating the market introduction of energy technologies.
The ultimate goal of the project is to study the implementation of innovative low cost Renewable Energy and Energy Saving Technologies at selected poor regions of the participating countries.
RESPIRE is a global strategic initiative taken at the level of seven European countries in order to reach 100% of RES (Renewable Energy Sources) in the electricity consumption of the insular territories of the Union.
The final output of the project will be a new optimized and tested process of converting biomass to biohydrogen and a process for integrating small, medium and large biohydrogen generators.
RERUM is a process that supports local authorities to take control of the energy policy on their territory.
Biomass Stoves Market EU-China Co-operation on small scale low emission stoves
The project aims to elaborate a market monitoring by studying the Chinese small scale stove market conditions with the objective of creating favorable conditions for the establishment of EU-China joint ventures or/and technology transfer.
The ECHI-T project aims at elaborating a technical, economical and financial feasibility study on integrated bio-energy/bio-ethanol/DDG (distiller’s dried grains) production from Sweet Sorghum.
Preliminary Study for Renewable Energy Systems Integration Sambuca Pistoiese
This preliminary study analyzed the opportunities for integration of renewable energy systems in the municipality of Sambuca Pistoiese (IT)