DELYCIOUS tackles key challenges in water electrolysis technology, focusing on extending electrolyser lifespans and reducing operational costs under variable renewable energy sources.


REUSE – a Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Action project – aims to develop an innovative approach to capturing and utilizing CO2 using a Rotating Packed Bed (RPB) system.


The main ambition of MECALO is to demonstrate its innovative concept of renewable hydrogen and carbon looping for CO2-neutral production of Silicon (Si) and Manganese (Mn).


BIN2BEAN is a Horizon Europe project that will support cities by promoting innovations that aim to valorise bio-waste and optimising their recycling into soil improvers through innovative and economically viable value chains.


FOREST4EU is a Horizon Europe funded project that aims at connecting hundreds of small projects promoted by small groups of farmers, researchers, forest managers, environmental associations and local communities, known as “Operational Groups”.


MIDAS is a Horizon Europe project to develop and demonstrate innovative solutions to grow industrial crops on marginal agricultural land and produce a wide range of bio-based products, such as biodegradable mulching films, bioherbicides, latex, rubber, biocomposites, biochar and other large use consumer products.

New Wave

NewWave is a Horizon Europe funded research project which will contribute to building a circular economy by introducing sustainable raw materials in 4 manufacturing lines, replacing toxic chemicals, and lowering the environmental footprint of the products.


An EU-Canada jointly funded project that aims at developing a cost-effective gasification-based process for the flexible production of pipeline-quality biomethane (SNG),high-value biochar and renewable heat.


GOLD project aims to produce clean low Indirect Land Use Change biofuels and to return the polluted lands back to the agricultural production.

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